How expensive is it really to get around in Cambodia in 2023?

How expensive is it really to get around in Cambodia in 2023?

20 years on from my last visit to the Kingdom, nothing prepared me for the shock of how expensive Cambodia has become

This may come as a surprise, but until my trip to Cambodia this month, it’d been 20 years since I set foot in the Kingdom.

Why should it be a surprise?

Well, I live just 60 kms from the Cambodian border and I’ve been living in Vietnam for well over a decade.

What will come of the place in the next 20 years, sadly, is anybody’s guess

Why did it take me two decades to return?

Life just simply got in the way, plus there have been other countries to explore and provinces to visit here in Vietnam.

Cambodia has been nagging away at me for some time, however.

I’ve watched its development, mostly with dismay at what’s become of places like Sihanoukville.

I have fond memories of Sihanoukville from 20 years ago when it was a sleepy seaside town where the only annoyance was the odd coconut seller interrupting my snooze on an empty beach.

As a result of the reports I’ve seen about Sihanoukville over the past few years, I’ve never wanted to go back, for fear it may spoil the special memories I have of the place.

But, never say never.

Because I’d become eager to visit Koh Rong, thanks to all those gushing videos about it on YouTube, I had no choice but to return, albeit to the port to catch the speed boat to the island.

The port is on the outskirts of the city, so I didn’t need to pass through the city proper, but from the boat heading to and from the island, I was able to see enough of Sihanoukville to reassure me that there’s nothing left there for me anymore.

It’s a shame, but at least I’ve been able to scratch that itch without having to actually enter ground zero, as it were.

What will come of the place in the next 20 years, sadly, is anybody’s guess.

See Also

In the video below, I share my experiences of travelling by air, sea, rail and tuk tuk from Koh Rong to Kampot to Phnom Penh in 2023, and reveal just how much getting around costs the average traveller.

Get in touch by leaving a comment or asking a question below in the comment section and keep an eye out for more videos about my travel experiences in Cambodia.

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